Thursday, December 1, 2011

This a picture of three simple machines. It includes a pully, wheel and axel, and a lever.
The pulley makes it easier to lift objects. I used a weight machine to demostrate a pully.
The lever also makes it easier to lift objects. A simple lever is shown in the picture.
The wheel and axel can be used to make things easier in various ways.
These are 3 common simple machines.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Simple Machines within Crestview

Simple Machines make life in general, eaiser. These are 3 examples of different machines that are within the walls of Crestview.

My first object is the water bottle. This is an example of a screw. The screw on the water bottle allows the cap to be screwed on top of the water bottle. This makes it quicker and easier to conceal the water in the bottle.
 My second object is a mechanical pencil. This is an example of a lever and a wedge. It can be used as a wedge and a lever, but I will use it as a wedge. This makes it easier to get things that are in a small space or other concealed environment. You also don’t need to get your hands dirty.

My last object is the fire emergency handle. This an example of a lever. This makes it easier to evacuate everyone from the building if it is needed. It is much easier than just yelling at the top of your lungs.

This is Me

For Stem class, which is Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, we need to create a blog. So here it goes... I am a funny person. I like smiles. Smiles!!!! I like ceral also. Especially fruity pebbles! I like Tom Hanks. He is a complete stud muffin. ''Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your ganna get.'' I memorized every word of that awesome movie.  It is AWESOME! I like shrimp cocktail. It is yummy. I love my xbox. We have a special connection. It does what ever I command. I also like fruit punch. It is delicous. Yummy. I know how to make people laugh. I should be a comedian. Just because I like smiles! I alos like dodgeball!